Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Big Black Bench

I drive past this house on about two acres of land just about every day. I have seen this large piece of wood that looked like it might be something good a bunch of times, but I didn't know how to go about acquiring it. It was sitting under a big trailer, weathering nicely in the sun.

I finally got up the nerve to go knock on the guys door. He was a little grumpy at first, but he warmed up when he realized I wasn't there to sell him something.

I asked him if I could buy his... well it turns out is was a big wooden bench, the kind that you make from headboards. It was missing the seat, but otherwise in great shape.

I asked Newell to grab a piece in the size I specified and then once I had it I screwed it down. Easy. I painted it black and distressed it, same ol', same ol'. Although, I will say, distressing now takes very little forethought for me now. It comes automatic, like riding a bike.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    I am Jenn, the girl who lives in your subdivision and wanted the 2 dressers, but they got sold before I could get there. I LOVE your work, you inspire me...

    I just started a blog of all the projects I just did for our home... can you please follow me back, thanks

