Monday, May 2, 2011

Beachy Dressers

I was driving through my neighborhood one Saturday and I saw my new neighbors were having a yard sale. It was all furniture from their recent move from Texas, where I gathered they had a larger home with more room. These two plain little dressers stuck out to me. I liked that they were solid and well made, but had no trace of the feminine lines I am always drawn to. I have so many people asking for boys furniture.

So I picked them up and got to know my new neighbors, and come to find out, fellow members of my church congregation.

These shots are taken mid-project, please forgive.

I started by using a pre-mixed "navy blue" that I found at Walmart. A-GASP! It was horrible. Slick and the ugliest teal color at first, and not improving after two coats. I threw the can away.

And then I realized I was plumb out of paint. I have been lucky so far and have not had to pay full price on one single can of latex paint. It's all been oops and found paint. I have been scouring local paint stores, and haven't found anything. I finally succumbed and bought this lovely color of light blue satin and a nice nuetral white. I was feeling anxiety about paying full price, but after it was done, I realized it doesn't raise my profit margins all that much, and I was able to scour hundreds of color chips, compare, and, quite luxuriously, pick my own colors. I am hooked.

For all you out there who are thinking about doing this, there is actually a substantial learning curve. Other people gave me advice and I quickly found my own method. I prefer my latex paint. I also MUST have satin. I have a good, smooth brush on method that I have nearly perfected and am very fast at. I rarely prime. Chippy and distressed is the goal, so why do I care if it loses a little paint after I am finished. I only prime when the surface is SUPER smooth. Once I painted a dresser and when I wiped it down for the photos, the paint was PEELING off as I wiped. To say I cursed would be accurate.

I painted the simple hutch white, and the dressers the blue color. I loved how they look coastal, beachy, relaxed. So I threw a few starfish I got for 50 cents at a yard sale on top. The pieces did not photograph well. But, here they are.

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