This is also a knock off idea, from Tara, who was one of the girls who inspired me in the first place. I saw it on her awesome blog, that you can check out here.. I have developed an affinity for old lamps, the heavy, solid kind. But they never come with shades, so I have been trying to figure out how to dress up the plain white shades from Goodwill. She drew a bee graphic from another great blog that I utilize all the time, and you can check that out here. She posts hundreds of free vintage clip art files.
I looked at some different clips on the same website, and settled on a butterfly. So as not to be too obvious of a copycat.
This lamp was $2 from a yard sale, the shade was $1 from goodwill. I rattle canned it with Rustoleum Aqua in satin. I always used satin if I can help it.
Thanks, Tara... imitation is the highest form of flattery, right?
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