So, summer vacation has been brutal. It seems hotter than usual, the air conditioning in my car doesn't seem to do the trick, and my kids are all over the age of four. This is the age when they learn the word BORED and use it like a projectile whenever they are mad at me.
I have been very busy working for both my husband and my dad, with various projects that have not satisfied my creative urges, but have been productive and slightly lucrative.
I just finished painting two pink dressers. I have been getting more requests for COLORS and have been trying to get a little COLOR COURAGEOUS.
But they aren't completey finished.
So the other day I braved the heat and whining and ventured to my local IKEA. I was grateful that my two youngest begged to go to the convenient child play center while my nine year old son Ethan and I browsed the Rugs and Textiles section. I was on a mission to find a duvet for my king sized bed.
I found this duvet on clearance, though there were many left. I love the colors and funky design. I set the pillow cases aside, too much green, and have some plans for them, some of which popped into my head during that time between sleep and awake.
On my way out, I spied these candles. My son burned three bags of microwave popcorn and I have been looking for a way to get a happier smell circulating. I saw they had an Apple scent and that they were $1.99, and I grabbed three.
I lined them up on my bar and lit them and tonight they are burning happily, smelling luscious. They also come in neat glass jars that will serve a new purpose when the candle is gone.
Check out IKEA online or visit your local store. It's a fun day for you and you kiddos.
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